Base Settings:
- By default, this app will use your iPhone's preferred language. However, you can override the language using this setting.
Link Contacts
- If enabled, contacts that exist in multiple accounts will only appear once in your contact list as long as iOS has linked those contacts. However, the app may run much slower than it would otherwise.
Sync Deleted Contacts
- If enabled, whenever you delete a previously synced contact, this app will attempt to delete the same contact from either Google or iPhone during the next sync.
Sync Photos
- If enabled, photos will be synced. Keep in mind that syncing photos will increase your cellular data usage if you don't have a Wi-Fi connection.
Merge Contacts (2-Way)
- If enabled, during 2-way syncs, the contents of matching contacts will be merged when necessary (for example, during the initial sync).
Merge Contacts (1-Way)
- If enabled, during 1-way syncs, the contents of matching contacts will be merged rather than one contact replacing the contents of the other.
Auto Add to Group
- If enabled, contacts will be automatically added to the specified group when they are synced.
Filter Settings:
Group Filter
- If enabled, contacts will be selectively synced based on their group membership.
Ignore New Contacts
- If enabled, new contacts will not be synced unless the specified criteria is satisfied.
Ignore Empty Contacts
- If enabled, contacts that do not have either a name, business name, or email address will be ignored.
Standard Sync Settings:
Detect Google Duplicates During Sync
- If enabled, this app will warn you of duplicate Google contacts before they're synced to your iPhone.
Confirm Pending Deletions
- If enabled, you will be alerted of any pending contact deletions before the sync begins.
Skip Initial Sync Confirmation
- If enabled, you will not be prompted to confirm the start of a new sync which will save time as an expert user.
Force Update All Contacts
- If enabled, each contact will be updated even if the contact hasn't changed. As a result, syncs will take much longer than they would otherwise.
Backup Settings:
Backup Reminders
- If enabled, you will be periodically prompted to backup your contacts.
Reminder Frequency
- Determines how frequently you are reminded to backup your contacts
Maximum Backups
- Determines the maximum number of backups the app should store at any given time.
Advanced Settings:
Batch Google Updates
- If enabled, your contact updates will be batched in groups of 100 when sent to Google. Doing so results in faster syncs. However, if you happen to have a problem with several of your Google contacts not getting updated, you can turn off "Batch Google Updates" as it may help you identify the problematic contact. Please email support for more information.
Sync Country Codes
- If enabled, country codes will be synced with all of the other postal address data.
Prefer Google Profile Photos
- If enabled, Google profile photos will be chosen over Google custom contact photos when syncing contacts to iPhone
This help article relates to the iPhone app called "Contacts Sync" which can be downloaded here:
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